Accessible Telehealth Services for Your Convenience

I offer counseling through video/audio calls known as telehealth. Due to the current pandemic with COVID-19, you may feel anxious or hesitant about attending sessions in person. And that’s understandable!

Sessions can be done through HIPAA compliant, secure, video-conferencing that has a similar feeling to FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom. I would send either a link to your phone via text message or email, and all you have to do is click the link to start your session. Audio sessions can be done simply over the phone.

While both video and audio-based sessions are helpful in providing you access to counseling, it does tend to come with some limitations. I am only able to provide services to people living in New Jersey due to licensing regulations. Also, people sometimes report feeling less connected or that something might be missing when sessions are solely based through telehealth. Finally, certain techniques in the realm of nature-based therapy and somatic practices may be difficult to do over the phone or video.

With all of that being said, video/audio sessions still work effectively in doing traditional talk therapy (using cognitive behavioral therapy, narrative therapy, using tarot, and other modes of therapy.)

If you have any questions about telehealth or would like to do sessions through this method, click the button below to schedule a free consultation.