Discover the Wisdom of Tarot for Personal Growth

Tarot can be used as a tool for giving you a better understanding about what is going on in your life. It can give you the opportunity to examine more closely the underlying themes of a situation, and help you consider other aspects of it.

​If you are unsure about something and looking for a way to help you make the right decision, the tarot can help you. If you are looking to be inspired, the tarot can provide age-old wisdom that will re-ignite creativity and passion.

Tarot sessions are not substitutions for therapy. They can however be therapeutic in that they’ll help expand on certain areas of your life and develop the insight you need to continue on.

Tarot with me is collaborative and at times I might even ask what your meaning of the cards might be, as a way to inspire your own intuition. And no worries there! If you're unsure, I'll guide you through connecting with your intuition and creativity. You'll be surprised about what knowledge already exists within you.